Montag, 2. Mai 2016


After seven months of not posting at all here on Summerlights I'm back at it. I just wasn't able to blog while being
on the road since I didn't take my laptop with me and to be honest, I wouldn't have wanted to spend any time
at all in front of the computer. I actually also tried to avoid using my phone 24/7 and I feel like I kind of succeeded.
It's crazy how easily you get addicted to social media etc and how long it takes you to notice that.

Anyway, back to the real topic. During my travels I collected loads of pictures and I can't wait to show
some of them to you. So besides of some fashion posts every now and again there will be a variety
of travel posts about the places I visited coming up. I also want to share some recipes with
you, that's actually what I used to do when I started blogging in 2012 - so long ago!

So as you see, I really want to reactivate this blog. However, I feel like the whole "culture" of blogging is
kind of dieing which is really sad. To me it appears like people just don't want to read anymore if they can basically
watch the same stuff on YouTube instead, reading seems to be too much of an effort. For this reason even
the really famous blogs don't receive a lot of feedback anymore and small bloggers don't stand a chance at all.
As long as they don't start filming stuff... I'm honestly not craving for loads of followers or hundreds of
comments but there has to be at least a bit of interaction between readers and bloggers, otherwise
you feel like the purpose behind writing a blog is slowely but surely getting lost.

Last but not least: While writing this text and also some more posts that are going to come soon I'm still
travelling and speaking English all the time. I know that most of my followers are German but right
now I just don't feel like switching back into my mother tongue. And since everyone is able to understand English
nowadays I suppose a translation is kind of unnecessary. I have no idea how long I will keep up writing in English
and whether I will swich back into German at some point but right now this just feels like the right thing to do.

So now it's your turn, what do you think about the blogging scene at the moment? What would you like to see
on this blog? Is it okay for you if I only post in English for now? And is there anything I can improve?

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9 Kommentare:

  1. Vielen Dank für dein liebes Kommentar :) Ich freue mich wirklich das du wieder anfängst nach deiner Zeit im Ausland und bin wirklich gespannt mehr von dir zu hören. Würde mich natürlich sehr freuen, wenn du öfter auf meinem Blog vorbei schaust !

    Liebe Grüße :)
    Measlychocolate by Patty

  2. Super, dass du deine Auslandszeit nicht dafür genutzt hast, permanent darüber zu posten! So kann man einfach viel besser die Zeit genießen!
    Ich war leider nicht so konsequent, falls du interessiert daran bist, wie ich meine Auslandszeit so genutzt habe, dann kannst du gerne auf meinem Blog vorbei schauen. :)

    Grüßchen, Helena von

  3. I found it difficult to blog while travelling but even harder to catch up once home. Worth a try though as I love the blogging community/ EllaDee :)[P.S. finding it clunky to comment on BlogSpot with German instructions from my WordPress platform but will do my best]

  4. schön, dass du wieder da bist :) ich bin auch der Meinung, dass man so eine Zeit viel besser ohne dieses ganze Social Media genießen kann, also alles richtig gemacht :) ich freue mich schon auf deine Reiseberichte!
    liebst kati <3

  5. Wie schön das du wieder da bist, ich freue mich schon sehr auf deine kommenden Posts :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Jimena von

  6. Oh, I'd give anything to be able to be in your shoes just once. Seven months on the road? I can't even imagine what you might have seen and visited in the meantime! Welcome back to blogging, I'm looking forward to seeing your updates. ;)

    Would you like to follow each other? I'm following you from now. :D

  7. hey johanna,
    ja die fransenlederjacke ist ein traum. als ich sie gekauft habe dachte ich es wäre ein absoluter fehlkauf und habe sie jahrelang nicht getragen haha
    danke dir <3
    wow 7 monate im ausland? respekt!das ist ein absoluter traum von mir.


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