Montag, 30. Mai 2016


Picture via Google

Melbourne was our first stop in Australia and we immediately fell in love with the city. It's extremely diverse
and you can easily combine a cultural and shopping day with an evening at the beach. Since we only had one
month in Australia, we booked two domestic flights (Sydney - Melbourne and Melbourne - Brisbane) in
advance which didn't give us a lot of flexibility with our travels in the beginning. We spent one week in Melbourne
and kind of regretted that we didn't have more days there. It's definitely a city where I could imagine living for a
few months or even a year. Maybe during studying? I already know where I would spend most of my days.

Picture via Google

For studying the State Library of Victoria is perfect, I've never seen such a pretty, old library before!
The atmosphere is awesome, everyone is there for the same reason and it just seems like the best place to
be if you need to get things done. But even if you are just passing by, a visit is definitely worth it.

Picture via Google

Brunswickstreet in Fitzroy is for sure the place to be if you are looking for vintage clothes or want to meet up
with friends in a cafe. I was literally overwhelmed by the amount of vegetarian and vegan cafes/restaurants
and every single one looked so, so cool (I suppose it's self-evident that you can also find every kind of
"normal" restaurant you can imagine there - or what about some Ethiopian food for a change?!).

Picture via Google

Up for some typical Aussie stores? I'm sure you will find more pretty clothes than you are able to
take with you at the Spencer Outlet Centre. Supre, Cotton On, dotti  - everything is there and the prices are
honestly incredible. I got myself two tops for $5 all together and they are basically my favourite shirts ever, it
feels like I've been wearing them every single day since I bought them. What is even more amazing about the
Outlet Centre is that there is actually a Typo branch, my all time favourite interior/stationary store. Even though we
were travelling with our backpacks I couldn't resist the beautiful booklets. How dump can someone be and buy
A4 booklets while being on the road?! If there is something you really shouldn't go for while travelling it's paper
stuff. But I'm just obsessed with notebooks so... It's super sad that we haven't got Typo here in Germany
although that's probably good for my wallet - I swear I would buy myself every single product they offer. Oh
and if you ever go to Melbourne you HAVE to check out the H&M store. It's honestly by far the
prettiest branch I've ever seen, I was basically snapping pictures 24/7 while being in the store.

Picture via Google

All in all, I have to admit that I didn't fall as much in love with Australia as other backpackers (even though
it definitely has pretty corners and the weather is just awesome!) but I really fell for Melbourne itself
and would be more than happy to go back there one day. I`m keeping my fingers crossed!

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Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

OUTFIT 22 MAY 2016

Sunnies - Topshop | Earrings - River Island | Shirt - flea market

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Freitag, 20. Mai 2016


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Samstag, 14. Mai 2016


Hamburg ist nicht nur die schönste Stadt der Welt sondern auch die Heimat von vielen erfolgreichen
Modeunternehmen. Und guten Restaurants. Und Magazinen. Und und und. Am 19.05.2016 wird Hamburg
noch etwas: die Stadt, in der Blogger eine Stimme haben. Denn dann verleiht das Bloggermagazin HashMAG
den Look of the Year Award an die derzeit coolsten Modeunternehmen. Entscheidende Jury waren dabei
Blogger, denn die konnten im Internet in zehn Kategorien für ihre liebsten Kleidungsstücke abstimmen.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles: im Rahmen der Preisverleihung wird es zusätzlich um mein absolutes Lieblingsthema
Essen gehen, denn EatSmarter vergibt den Lobster of the Year Award an Foodunternehmen. Favorit: die
Rügenwalder Mühle. Es geht um Innovation und da ist das Unternehmen mit seinen vegetarischen Produkten ganz
weit vorne. Ich bin ja ehrlich gesagt ein riesen Fan von Fleisch - nicht von der Produktion aber vom Geschmack
- und konnte mir eigentlich nie vorstellen, vegetarisch zu leben, doch überraschenderweise schmecken die
Fleischersätze von der Rügenwalder Mühle täuschend echt! Vielleicht ist das ja wirklich eine Alternative...

Damit wir Blogger für die Blogparade gut vorbereitet sind, wurden uns netterweise Gerichte von der Rügenwalder
Mühle und ein paar coole Kochutensilien zugeschickt. Letztere bestanden aus Pfanne, Reibe, Schürze,
Topfuntersetzer, Küchenuhr und einer Ausgabe von EatSmarter. Die roségoldene Uhr ist dabei mein absoluter
Favorit - ein echtes Statementpiece, wie mega stylish ist die bitte?! -, deshalb hat sie es auch auf mein Teilnahmefoto
für die Parade geschafft. Ansonsten ist das richtig leckere vegetarische Schnitzel vertreten, sowie ein meiner
Meinung nach super fotogener, inspirierender Salat. Denn wenn man das viele Grün des Rucolas durch
schwarz ersetzen würde, wäre das doch eine echt schöne Farbkombi für ein Outfit. Weiße Sneaker, rot-blaue Bluse,
schwarze Jeans und Lederjacke - simple aber ausdrucksstark. Fashion und Food gehören halt einfach zusammen!

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Montag, 2. Mai 2016


After seven months of not posting at all here on Summerlights I'm back at it. I just wasn't able to blog while being
on the road since I didn't take my laptop with me and to be honest, I wouldn't have wanted to spend any time
at all in front of the computer. I actually also tried to avoid using my phone 24/7 and I feel like I kind of succeeded.
It's crazy how easily you get addicted to social media etc and how long it takes you to notice that.

Anyway, back to the real topic. During my travels I collected loads of pictures and I can't wait to show
some of them to you. So besides of some fashion posts every now and again there will be a variety
of travel posts about the places I visited coming up. I also want to share some recipes with
you, that's actually what I used to do when I started blogging in 2012 - so long ago!

So as you see, I really want to reactivate this blog. However, I feel like the whole "culture" of blogging is
kind of dieing which is really sad. To me it appears like people just don't want to read anymore if they can basically
watch the same stuff on YouTube instead, reading seems to be too much of an effort. For this reason even
the really famous blogs don't receive a lot of feedback anymore and small bloggers don't stand a chance at all.
As long as they don't start filming stuff... I'm honestly not craving for loads of followers or hundreds of
comments but there has to be at least a bit of interaction between readers and bloggers, otherwise
you feel like the purpose behind writing a blog is slowely but surely getting lost.

Last but not least: While writing this text and also some more posts that are going to come soon I'm still
travelling and speaking English all the time. I know that most of my followers are German but right
now I just don't feel like switching back into my mother tongue. And since everyone is able to understand English
nowadays I suppose a translation is kind of unnecessary. I have no idea how long I will keep up writing in English
and whether I will swich back into German at some point but right now this just feels like the right thing to do.

So now it's your turn, what do you think about the blogging scene at the moment? What would you like to see
on this blog? Is it okay for you if I only post in English for now? And is there anything I can improve?

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